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Introduction To Technical Ceramics – An Interview With Dr. Carsten Russner


Feb. 21, 2014 - H.C. Starck Ceramics CEO Dr. Carsten Russner gives an introduction to technical ceramics and how H.C. Starck is involved within this industry.  


Could you please provide a brief introduction to H.C. Starck Ceramics and the sector that you work within?

 With our years of experience in the development of high-performance ceramics, H.C. Starck Ceramics is equipped to meet any number of challenges in the field of non-oxide ceramics (SSiC, SiSiC, Si3N4) and oxide ceramics (ZrO2, Al2O3, Al2TiO5). Some of the main application areas of our worldwide customers include:  

  • 1. semiconductor and mechanical engineering
  • 2. foundry technology
  • 3. medical technology

Through flexible production processes in shaping (green machining) and sintering technology (for example silicon nitride: 10 bar, 100 bar, 2000 bar), we can adjust our products according to client requirements in specifications such as component size (silicon nitride up to 1800 mm) or electric conductivity.

The extraordinary versatility of ceramic products comes as a result of their unique qualities, making them superior to other materials in several ways.


Could you please explain in more detail how you define the term ‘technical ceramics’?

Technical ceramics, also known as high-performance or engineering ceramics, are inorganic ceramic materials whose combination of physical and thermal properties makes them the right choice for applications where other materials fail.

They open up new possibilities for mechanical and plant engineering, foundries, automotive manufacturing, textile manufacturing, electronics, and medical technology.


How do these compare to other materials that may be used in similar applications, such as steel?

Technical ceramics are nonmetallic and offer many benefits, including a lower density than steel, high chemical resistance, hardness and strength, and very good resistance to thermal shock.

Especially in applications involving wear, corrosion, and high-temperature challenges, ceramic components provide a longer service life and sustained cost-efficiency in processes.


What are the main oxide and non-oxide ceramics that you can work with for clients?

The non-oxide ceramics we work with include various forms of silicon nitride (Si3N4 - StarCeram® N 3000/7000/8000/Grade E) and silicon carbide (SIC - StarCeram® Si, StarCeram® S).

In terms of oxide ceramics, we predominantly work with alumina oxide (Al2O3 - StarCeram® A), alumina titanate (ATi/Al2TiO5 - StarCeram® AT) and yttrium stabilized zirconia oxide (Zr2O3 - StarCeram® Z, StarCeram® Z-Al),


Could you describe your ‘green machining’ processes in more detail?

The first step in ceramic production is the pressing process. Here, the ceramic powder is pressed in a form that is near net shape - for example, you form a tube if you need rings.

After that, the tube goes to the green machining department and there the cylinder is cut into the rings with all the heels and boreholes that are needed.

In this stadium the ceramic part isn’t sintered yet, so it is called “green”.

In the green machining process we are able to drill and mill all our materials (oxide and non-oxide ceramics) near the end shape in our integrated production process.

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