Jan. 9, 2021 - At the beginning of the year, INTOCAST RO SRL started providing a full comprehensive service package for tundish operations at Liberty Steel Galati in Romania. Included in the deal, is the supply of all refractory materials as well as service equipment. The contract offers 1-stop shopping from refractory installations to tundish scheduling and maintenance.
Despite present Corona conditions, setting up the service operations, was accomplished in record time. In this regard the INTOCAST Group benefits from a well-coordinated operational network of production sites and service centers across Europe, including the in-house plant builder MAPEKO.
“This long-term contract confirms our strategy of being close to the customer and establishing effective partnership solutions. We are grateful to Liberty Steel for putting trust in the INTOCAST group and look forward to more joint ventures in the future”, said the company.
Sponsored by: Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd. Supported by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry)
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