Sep. 14, 2023 - CREMER ERZKONTOR, the Lübeck-based end-to-end raw materials supplier, continues its verticalization course. As of September 2023 this North German raw materials company acquired the company Handels- und Aufbereitungsgesellschaft für Mineralien mbH, Hamm (HAG), which specializes in processing chrome ore sand for the steel and foundry industry. This boosts CREMER ERZKONTOR’s processing capacity by 120,000 tonnes per year.
“Our strategic goal is to develop from being purely a raw materials trader to managing the entire supply of raw materials for our customers,” says Nils Fleig, CEO of CREMER ERZKONTOR. “With the acquisition of HAG we can now offer processing of chrome ore sand, an important raw material in the refractory and foundry industries. Together with our other two German grinding plants in Hamm and Wesel, this brings our European refractory material processing capacity to 300,000 tonnes per year, making us one of Europe’s largest processors.”
The company Handels- und Aufbereitungsgesellschaft für Mineralien mbH, Hamm was spun off from Mineralmahlwerk Hamm in 2012. It specializes in drying, dedusting, cooling, screening, storing, and packing chrome ore sand for the steel and foundry industry. The HAG facility covers 30,000 m², of which 20,000 m² go to storing raw product and 4,000 m² are covered storage for packed product (big bags, paper sacks). The company can process up to 120,000 tonnes annually.
“CREMER ERZKONTOR is a very good choice as a purchaser of our family company,” says Stefan Frevel, former Director and main shareholder of HAG. “We’ve worked together as partners for years, and I’m quite sure that HAG is an ideal fit with the strategic development course of CREMER ERZKONTOR.”
Sponsored by: Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd. Supported by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry)
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